【TEDICT】優れたリーダーはどうやって行動を促すか サイモン・シネックをTEDICTでディクテーションする Part3

【TEDICT】優れたリーダーはどうやって行動を促すか サイモン・シネックをTEDICTでディクテーションする Part3






How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek

#69 But as I said before, Apple's just a computer company.

#70 There's nothing distinguishes them structurally from any of their competitors.

 #71 Their competitors are equally qualified to make all of these products.

#72 In fact, they tried.

#73 A few years ago, Gateway came out with flat-screen TVs.

#74 They're eminently qualified to make flat-screen TVs.

#75 They've been making flat-screen monitors for years.

#76 Nobody bought one.

#77 Dell came out with MP3 players and PDAs, and they make great quality products, and they can make perfectly well-designed products

#78 and nobody bought one.

#79 In fact, talking about it now, we can't even imagine buying an  MP3 player from Dell.

#80 Why would you buy an MP3 player from a computer company?

#81 But we do it every day.

#82 People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it.

#83 The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have.

#84 The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.

#85 Here's best part.

#86 None of what I'm telling you is my opinion.

#87 It's all grounded in the tenets of biology.

#88 not psychology, biology.



tenet: 原理、信条




#79のところでcan と can'tの発音が全く聞き取れなかったので、調べてみたところ、canは日本語でいう「キャン」ではなく、「ックン」でcan't が「キャン(カン)」と強めに発音する感じです。早い音声を聞いていると全く違う言葉のようですね。







TEDICT - TEDで英語を習おう

TEDICT - TEDで英語を習おう

  • 発売日: 2020/04/20
  • メディア: アプリ